Wednesday, December 21, 2011


My father in law was in town for a few days so I was too busy to post, but I thought I would do a quick one to update everyone! We have had a busy week. The kids finished out their last week of school before winter break. It was full of multiple trips back and forth from the school to bring treats for parties, forgotten homework, or candy for white elephant gifts. My girlfriend and I made an amazing fruit tree, complete with a pineapple star, for T's Kindergarten class! We got a ton of oooo's and ahhhhh's as we proudly marched our masterpiece down the hall! I think we were both pretty darn proud! It was sort of a rebuttal treat. Let me explain.... Over Halloween, a mom in T's class decided to make the most amazing thing. She took oranges, hollowed them out, carved each with a Jack-O-Lantern face, filled them with grapes and replaced the lid. She did this for 32 kids! When T brought it home, my jaw dropped. At first I was in awe because I couldn't figure out how she did it. Second, I was a little perturbed that I hadn't thought of it. So, our fruit tree was kind of my response to that. Not that the other parent cares, I just really hate being out crafted.
Moving on. We were expecting my grandparents on Monday afternoon but they both came down with a terrible cold and haven't made it here yet. My father in law had to leave this morning at four a.m. so we had to say our goodbyes last night. I cried. I have been really emotional the past couple of weeks. I don't let it show very often but it slips out, to my dismay, every now and then.
The kids are getting more and more anxious for Christmas. Every time we get a package they beg to open it early. I usually give in. I am a sucker for giving/opening presents early. I am currently angry at my Mom because she refuses to open the package I sent her until Christmas Eve. I tried to convince her for half an hour yesterday that it was more practical for her to just open it now. But she wouldn't listen.
Dad is doing well and we get to talk to him everyday. He moved rooms last week and the internet connection in his new room is horrible so talking has been interesting. It sounds like the parents from Charlie Brown..."Wa wa waaa waaa". I hope we can get it resolved soon! He will be joining a couple of friends, who are now stationed on the same base, for Christmas. I am so glad he will have somewhere to go and won't be alone in a room! We will miss him so much this holiday but at least I know he isn't alone.
Well, I hope you all have a great Christmas, or whatever holiday you may be celebrating. I will update again soon! Hopefully with pictures! -E

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